“It was IFPRI that did so much work to make a visible, rigorous and convincing case that we had to continue to invest in agriculture and food security.” – Rob Bertram.
Pakistan Strategy Support Program
This program has contributed to pro-poor economic growth and enhanced food security through a strengthened national capacity for designing and implementing evidence-based policy reforms.
HarvestChoice: Targeting and Evaluating Sustainable Intensification Investments
MOTIVATION Where do poor people live? How do they live? On what farming systems do the poor depend most? And what is constraining the productivity of those systems? To answer these questions and many others, HarvestChoice generates maps, datasets, economic models, and other knowledge products. By providing data specific not only to a continent or country >> Read more
2020 Vision Conference: Leveraging Agriculture for Improving Nutrition and Health
MOTIVATION Agriculture, nutrition, and health are inseparably linked—agriculture provides food to nourish people so they can lead healthy lives, and productive agriculture requires the labor of healthy, well-nourished people. But can agriculture do more to improve human health and nutrition? In February 2011, IFPRI’s 2020 Vision Initiative brought together the agriculture, nutrition, and health sectors >> Read more
Supporting Agricultural Markets in South Asia: Rural Business Hubs in India
IFPRI’s rural business hubs research, developed under USAID’s Partnership for Innovation and Knowledge in Agriculture, provides detailed market information to retail partners to guide them in reducing the cost and improving the quality of inputs and services provided to small farmers.
Ethiopia Strategy Support Program
In Ethiopia, as in many countries, development strategies face design, implementation, and monitoring challenges. In 2004, IFPRI launched the Ethiopia Strategy Support Program—in partnership with the government of Ethiopia and regional partners—to cultivate country specific solutions.