The business model called “clustering” involves small businesses that are part of the same industry banding together to specialize in one narrowly defined stage of production. An IFPRI research team completed a study involving four in-depth case studies in China on the subject.
Strengthening Rural Producer Organizations
IFPRI’s research in this area aimed to improve smallholder livelihoods by strengthening the ability of rural producer organizations to improve their members’ access to input and output markets.
Assuring Food and Nutrition Security in Africa by 2020
In 2004, IFPRI facilitated an all-Africa conference, bringing together more than 500 actors and stakeholders from 50 countries to deliberate on how to bring about change and action to assure food and nutrition security.
Regional Network on AIDS, Livelihoods, and Food Security
Motivation Nutrition and access to nutritious foods are vital in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Undernutrition heightens vulnerability to disease transmission, and pairing antiretroviral drug therapies with adequate nutrition increases their effectiveness. Income inequality and food insecurity have also been found to increase the likelihood of exposure to HIV, driving up rates of infection >> Read more