MOTIVATION Since the 1950s, agricultural credit (a type of loan that helps farmers to undertake new investments or adopt new technologies) has been a mainstay in helping farmers bridge the gap between income and expenditures. Agricultural credit has been a basic component of the Pakistan agricultural policy strategy to improve investments in the rural sector. >> Read more
Understanding Trade Liberalization in a Changing World: AgFoodTrade
IFPRI’s AgFoodTrade program comprised a series of research projects that built upon existing knowledge, data, and models to address issues relating to international trade and trade negotiations.
Strengthening Rural Producer Organizations
IFPRI’s research in this area aimed to improve smallholder livelihoods by strengthening the ability of rural producer organizations to improve their members’ access to input and output markets.
Evaluation of Ethiopia Agricultural Growth Program
Upon request from the Ethiopian government and its development partners, ESSP is conducting an evaluation of the Agricultural Growth Program
The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA): Impact on Agriculture and Rural Sectors in Five Central American Countries
This analysis, supported by the Netherlands, found that CAFTA’s trade liberalization would have a positive, albeit small, impact on economic growth.
Maize Export Bans in Tanzania
In 2012, IFPRI was commissioned to evaluate the maize export ban in Tanzania.