Building on earlier USAID-funded work, USAID and IFPRI have been implementing the Pakistan Strategy Support Program (PSSP) since 2011 toward pro-poor agricultural growth and food security. With funding from USAID and later the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutes, and Markets, PSSP helped promote reforms in the fertilizer sector. IFPRI’s evaluation demonstrated that fertilizer subsidies led to billions of dollars of lost government revenues and did not benefit smallholder farmers. Partly due to these findings, the Government of Pakistan adjusted its fertilizer policies and packages in 2015 to reduce fertilizer prices, which directly benefited smallholders. Another series of studies identified measures that could lead to better management of growing water scarcity in the country. Research results were used as input into the final draft of the National Water Policy, completed in early 2016 and currently under Senate review. PSSP has also built local capacity and research expertise through competitive grants awarded to 61 Pakistani researchers to work on the country’s development objectives.