The United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) has made poverty reduction the official focus of its work through the International Development Act. DFID strives to tackle root causes of hunger, especially in Africa. IFPRI and DFID share common priorities such as ensuring sustainable food production and promoting healthy food systems including good nutrition, resulting in a strong, longstanding partnership.
IFPRI’s expertise and focus on robust evidence has been valuable to DFID’s work. At IFPRI’s 40th Anniversary event in November 2015, Tim Wheeler, Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for International Development (DFID), expressed how IFPRI’s research enriched DFID’s work against hunger, malnutrition and poverty.
“The number one priority is the ability of IFPRI to generate robust evidence for decision-makers in policy and programming. IFPRI has been at the forefront in many aspects of development, influential not just in generating high quality evidence but in communicating this to a wide audience. IFPRI has been successful at elevating debates to high-level policymakers and transforming development packages. One example is IFPRI contribution to UK’s Foresight Food and Farming Study in 2010.”
For more information on IFPRI's collaborations with DFID, please go to this brochure.